The Perfect Fit 4-in-1 Trike is ready to grow with your child! With all of the features of your favorite stroller, this trike is a perfect fit for parents too. This advanced trike makes on-the-go travel easy with multiple storage spots. From parents pushing, to toddlers learning to pedal, to them starting to steer, and then going on their own, this trike keeps pace with your active, growing child.

- Stage 1-Stroll (9+ months) Parents to push and control-When the foot platform is installed, the child will be unable to reach the pedal.

- Stage 2-Pedal (18+ months) Toddlers can learn how to pedal, child is unable to turn the wheel.

- Stage 3-Learn (24+ months) Remove the waist bar, child can steer while parent still has control with the push bar.

- Stage 4-Trike (30+ months) Remove the push bar to let kids go on their own with parent supervision.


SKU 050743638695
Barcode # 050743638695
Brand Little Tikes
Shipping Weight 9.0000kg

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