GLOBBER EXPLORER TRIKE 2in1 All-In-One Kids’ Tricycle And Balance Bike For Toddlers

Ages 2 to 5 years old.

ALL-IN-ONE TODDLER TRICYCLE AND BALANCE BIKE |Kids Tricycle and balance bike for kids aged 2 to 5 years old, with 2 built-in stages: training trike (for toddlers 24-36m) and balance bike (for kids aged 2-5Y).

WELL-DESIGNED ALL-IN-ONE TODDLER TRICYCLE AND BALANCE BIKE | Globber’s EXPLORER TRIKE 2in1 comes with a 100% tool-less design to easily transform the product into the different stages, as your child grows. The patented wheel mechanism allows parents to easily transform the two rear wheels into a double-width wheel, to become a balance bike for kids aged 2+.

ADJUSTABLE TODDLER TRICYCLE AND BALANCE BIKE |2-height adjustable saddle with soft, anti-slip TPR and curved handlebars with TPR ergonomic grips for maximum comfort for your toddler in tricycle and balance bike mode.

SMART BALANCE BIKE DESIGN | Coming with a well-designed & convenient pedal storage, so you can easily store the pedals at the rear of the saddle to never lose them while switching from training trike to balance bike mode.

HIGH-QUALITY, DURABLE WHEELS | High-quality 250mm (9.84”) front and 220mm (8.7”) rear EVA foam wheels for smooth and puncture-free rides.

Globber's EXPLORER TRIKE 2in1 is the only trike on the market that can be transformed into a balance bike, thanks to Globber's patented wheel mechanism. Parents can easily and quickly convert the two rear wheels into a double-width wheel without any tools -- all it takes is a twist of the rear wheels' knob, allowing parents to transform the product from a tricycle to a balance bike, for maximum product usability! What's more, Globber's smart tricycle design is 100% tool-less, so no matter which stage you want to use or change into, you can speedily and conveniently transform the product with just push buttons and wheel knobs!

Saddle heights: 31 / 34cm from the ground (guided trike, training trike and balance bike)

Weight: 4.48kg


SKU GlobberExplorerTrikeBalan
Barcode # GlobberExplorerTrikeBalan
Brand Globber
Shipping Weight 5.8000kg

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